Retrieval Augmentation

Desmond Elliott
Assistant Professor
Rita Ramos
Rita Ramos
Ph.D Fellow
(co-advised with Bruno Martins)

Retrieval augmentation has proven a useful approach to improving the quality and relevance of generated texts using in-context examples, as opposed to relying on what can be learned and store in model weights. We have worked on applying retrieval augmentation in a multimodal setting, with multimodal encoders, independent pretrained models, or in a multilingual setting without any supervised training.

Related Publications

PAELLA: Parameter-Efficient Lightweight Language-Agnostic Captioning Model.
Rita Ramos, Emanuele Bugliarello, Bruno Martins, and Desmond Elliott.
Findings of NAACL.
LMCap: Few-shot Multilingual Image Captioning by Retrieval Augmented Language Model Prompting.
Rita Ramos, Bruno Martins, and Desmond Elliott.
Findings of ACL.
SmallCap: Lightweight Image Captioning Prompted With Retrieval Augmentation.
Rita Ramos, Bruno Martins, Desmond Elliott, and Yova Kementchedjhieva.
Proceedings of CVPR.
Retrieval-augmented Image Captioning.
Rita Ramos, Desmond Elliott, and Bruno Martins.
Proceedings of EACL.